This rosemary garlic oven roasted potatoes post has been updated with new photos as part of the #ThrowbackThursday photography challenge where I add new photos to already delectable recipes!
Yesterday we finished a week-long “Whole 30” challenge. That means no sugar, dairy, wheat, soy, or alcohol/alcohol-containing products (i.e. – vanilla extract) in our diet for the past week (read more about it here). Technically, the actual challenge lasts 30+ days. I will try the 30 days soon, but I wanted the Godfather to try with me, so we stuck to 7 this round. I think these rosemary garlic oven roasted potatoes helped win him over, even though technically white potatoes should be limited.
It was an interesting experience… on one hand, it was much much easier than I thought given how much sugar is typically in our home, but on the other hand, I was so surprised at what contained sugar and how my energy levels changed in as little as one week. I’ll admit that I was lazy about what we were eating with all the recent life transitions we’ve had, but life had gotten a little out of hand recently. Before this challenge, I was finding myself crashing HARD some afternoons and I had no idea why. I was no longer working into the wee hours of the morning or waking up at o’dark-thirty to bake, and yet, I was pooped!
This past week helped me realize why. I had let some bad habits sneak into my diet, and they weren’t obvious enough for me to catch. For one, I had started abandoning my preferred savory/protein-heavy breakfasts for options like a fresh fruit smoothie with some protein powder and chia seeds, or oatmeal, or cereal. That’s fine every once in a while, but when they become the norm, my body isn’t happy. All the above options are seemingly healthy, but they clearly don’t make me feel my best. As one of the biggest changes I made this past week, I’m giving breakfast the majority of the credit for my lack of mid-afternoon crash.
Something interesting also happened… I lost my sweet tooth. Not that I had much of one before, but I do love my desserts, and this scares me a little. For goodness’ sake, I BAKE! I think about sweets almost constantly to come up with flavors/ideas/inspiration and I haven’t had that “ah ha” moment for almost this whole week! I don’t know if it’s because I’ve somehow convinced myself not to because it’s a little difficult to test a recipe if you can’t taste it, or if it was just that easy for my body to leave sugar behind. Either way, I’m a little frightened by this (seriously), and nervous about my first foray back to baking this week. I’m testing… something… will figure that out later.
In the meantime, I have discovered Wegman’s. It’s a grocery store chain in this area and the closest thing I have found to my beloved Publix (grocery store in the Southeast, I actually worked there for a bit way back when in college). They made me very happy recently because they had fresh herb starters from a local organic farm, double win! We clearly moved here a little late in the year and so all the local home-stuff stores stopped carrying seedlings for anything other than fall/heading into winter plants, meaning that I couldn’t find any herb starters (or seeds!) to get even a bitty indoor garden going. Wegman’s had some though! I bought chives, mint, and rosemary.
We all know, when you have fresh rosemary, garlic, and new potatoes sitting on your counter, you have no other choice than to make oven roasted potatoes, for this is The Way Things Are.

Rosemary Garlic Oven Roasted Potatoes
- 1 lb potatoes
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tsp kosher salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- Preheat the oven to 420. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with nonstick spray.
- Cut the potatoes into cubes of approximately the same size.
- In a gallon-size zip-top plastic bag combine the potatoes, olive oil, garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper.
- Place the potatoes in a single layer on the baking sheet and bake for 18-23 minutes until tender and lightly golden brown, flipping halfway through.
- Serve immediately
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